Article I: Definition

Section II: Purpose

This student organization will dedicate itself to helping promote, propogate, and standardize the open source paradigm of technology development and use, both in software, and in other works to which the open source paradigm is applicable and societally beneficial.

The organization will strive to excel in these three vectors by:

  1. Introducing the open source model of development to OSU students and the larger OSU/Columbus community;
  2. Showcasing projects developed under an open source development model (programs, games, websites, arts, etc.);
  3. Fostering interest in the open source community, and providing ways for members to involve themselves in it (meetings, talks, workshops, etc.);
  4. Creating a space in which members can engage in constructive discourse on the topics surrounding open source;
  5. Raising awareness of the value the open source paradigm can provide to students, members of our communities, and society at large;
  6. Inspire members to think critically about the technology they use, the way that technology interfaces and affects their lives, and the ways in which we can reclaim our agency and foster solidarity in our communities through a more sustainable relationship with technology and a more democratic paradigm of technology in our societies.