
The Open Source Club at The Ohio State University has had an extensive role in OSU's tech-related student life, from sprouting into other clubs and events, to encouraging students and alumni alike to become a part of the open source community.

The current leadership of this organization would like to extend gratitude to former members and staff; open source has had a rich history, both in and out of OSU's campus, and it is with the support of those who have come before us that we are able to exercise this passion so freely.

A detailed record of past leadership for the Open Source Club at the Ohio State University is included in the complete legislature for the organization.

The following are direct links to the different ways in which this constitution can be read:

  • mdBook (through your browser)
  • PDF (In the link provided to the right of "Constitution")

Revised: (NOT YET VALID). Past constitutions are available on The Office of Student Life page for the Open Source Club.

This constitution is licensed as CreativeCommons Attribution ShareAlike. You are free to use it to create your own constitutions, both in format and in file, so long as you provide credit to the Open Source Club at the Ohio State University for creating the original template and content, and allow other individuals to do the same with whatever derivative constitution you create.