Article IV: Executive Officership
Section III: Modifying Officer Positions
As expressed in Section I of this Article, this organization must always have unique individuals fulfilling the following roles:
- President
- Treasurer
In the case of substantial changes to organization membership, current Officers may deem it reasonable to create new Officer positions, or eliminate existing ones. When this occurs is left entirely to Officer discretion, with the details surrounding procedure of accepting changes to Executive Officership being left to current Executive Officers upon which to decide.
In the event of an added role, the role in question is to be logged in the Office of Student Life portal as a "Secretary." The precise name is left to current Executive Officership to decide upon, and is to be entered in the field designated "Other Title." The only exception to this rule is for the additional role of Vice President, which should be labeled in the system as such. Historically, the naming convention has been as follows, where one is selected as the "primary" title, and others are usable by members who hold the role, as expressed in Article IV, Section I:
- Director of [RESPONSIBILITY]
- Vice President of [RESPONSIBILITY]
- Secretary of [RESPONSIBILITY]
These are suggestions, and they can be eschewed in favor of a title agreed upon by current Executive Officership, including the active member who would be adopting the role. Any changes made to Executive Officership must be made public to membership prior to the role changes taking effect.