Article III: Procedures for Removing Members and Executive Officers

It may be the case that a member of the organization, be they passive, active, or an executive officer, has their behavior deemed incongruent with the stated goals of the organization, in violation of the Ohio State University Standards, the Student Code of Conduct, and/or the Non-Discrimination Policy as expressed in Article I, Section III, or otherwise deemed unacceptable by the expectations of this organizations and its membership. For these regrettable cases, and in the interest of fostering a productive, accessible, and equitable community for the OSU community at large, a procedure for removing the offending organization member is defined.

In calculating a non-unanimities (i.e. majorities or pluralities), abstentions from active members are ignored. In calculating a unanimity, abstentions are equivalent to nays.

Members removed from the organization through the procedures forthcoming lose their status of good standing for two academic years.