Article II: Membership

Section I: Active Membership

Active membership is awarded to any and all currently-enrolled students of the Ohio State University, part- or full-time, who are in good standing with the organization, and who display activity within the organization to a recognizable degree. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Those who attend two or more in-person meetings in a semester
  • Those who are active in existing social groups (Discord, Revolt, Matrix, etc.)
    • "Active" is loosely defined as contributing enough to online discussion so as to easily be precisely identified and recalled by members during in-person meetings, be it by username or reference to discussions of which the member in question was a part. A more precise definition is left to current officership discretion.
  • Other examples left to the officers' discretion.

Active membership affords members the privelege of continuing to participate in digital social groups; being allowed to attend meetings and, to the discretion of associated organizations, meeting collaborations.

Active membership additionally affords members the privilege of being able to run for, and hold, executive officer positions; being able to vote for candidates for executive roles; being able to participate in votes for the removal of an executive officer.