Article IV: Executive Officership
Section II: Voting and Tenure
Elections are to be held annually as per the procedures provided herein.
All voting procedures occur within a time frame defined by the first weekend after the last day of proper classes (i.e. not finals). For brevity, we refer to this weekend as the Post-class Weekend. All events and time periods that are defined to start some "weeks" before this Weekend are implied to have thresholds at Sunday, 11:59 PM.
Chapter I: Time Alotted to Self-Nomination and Voting
7 weeks exactly before the Post-class Weekend, a three-week period of self-nomination will open. No less than one week before this period, current Executive leadership will have notified active members at large of the upcoming self-nomination period. Current Executive leadership is to prepare a manner in which members can self-nominate for all Executive roles and potential new ones, should they feel that there is a set of responsibilities warranting their own dedicated role, and that they are qualified to fulfill them. The creation of this new role is left to current Officer discretion as established in Section III of this article. Whatever manner of self-nomination is selected must also include a way for self-nominees to justify their candidacy for the role (be it past experience, relevant skills, etc.) so that voters are better prepared to gauge the available candidates. An active member is permitted to self-nominate for more than one Executive position, but is only permitted to hold one Executive position during their tenure. Candidates are to disclose Executive position preference as a part of their self-nomination. Self-nomination is to close 4 weeks before the Post-class Weekend.
As soon as active members are notified of the candidates, candidates are free to campaign for their positions, so long as their campaigning is congruent with the expected behaviors of an OSC member in good standing. 3 weeks before the Post-class Weekend, a three-week period of voting will open that ends on the threshold of the Post-class Weekend.
No later than 2 weeks after the Post-class Weekend, current Executive leadership is to announce the results of the election.
Chapter II: Precise Voting and Vote-Counting Procedure
When the voting time period has opened, voting is to be completed using rank-choice for each Executive role. All candidates for a given role are to be listed, and voters are to list them in order of preference.
In counting these votes, the first candidate to reach 50% first-rank approval is awarded the position. If no candidate receives 50% first-rank approval, the candidate with the least first-rank approvals is eliminated from the count, and the votes allotted to them are divided among the next-highest-ranked candidate for each voter. First-rank approval is recalculated in this manner until a candidate receives 50% of the votes.
If a single candidate is awarded multiple Executive positions, their highest-preferred role is awarded to them. For the role(s) they were not awarded, the votes are recounted with all candidates back in the pool, but with the candidate in question removed. The winner of the role is decided by the preceding process once again.
This process is to repeat itself until all candidate-available roles are filled by unique candidates.
Chapter III: Tenure
The winning candidates are appointed to their roles on the first day of the August immediately succeeding the election period. Current Executive leadership is expected to facilitate the adoption of Executive responsibilities justly and amicably during the period in which the new Executive leaders have been announced but not yet appointed. These candidates hold their roles until the candidates awarded Executive positions in the next annual election cycle are appointed. That is, Executive officership is granted for one year, from August 1st to August 1st.
Members of OSC are permitted to run for Executive Officership so long as they meet the requirements of an active member as provided in [Article II, Section I.](/constitution/article2/section1.html]